India released a Rs.1,500 ($30) laptop / Tablet PC for students and teachers in colleges and Universities. The device is currently not available for sale in the market as government has decided to launch it for students in 2011.
The price of this device (so called laptop) may even go below to Rs.1500 in future. This revolutionary laptop supports multimedia content, Zip-Unzip feature, PDF Reader, SciLab, OpenOffice and a browser for social networking websites like Facebook and Myspace but still not confirmed if we can use it as a gaming device.
- Display: Touch Screen
- Keyboard: Built in
- RAM: 2GB
- Connectivity: Wifi, USB
- Operating System: Linux
- Power: 2 watt
- It has single unit system which has a touch screen.
- It has a keyboard which is in-built.
- It is operated by a 2 watt system so that it can even perform in areas where power supply is low.
- Video web conferencing facility,
- Multimedia content viewer for example pdf, jpeg, zip, etc,
- Computing capabilities such as Open Office, SciLab and
- Internet browsing with flash plug-in, JavaScript.
- It is enabled with a touch screen.
- An in-built keyboard is attached with this laptop.
- The laptop can store the data of up to 2 GB memory. It is a RAM memory.
- Wifi connectivity and USB port are this laptop’s additional features.
- 2 watt system is used up by this laptop so that it can even perform in areas where power supply is low.
- Linux system is programmable in this laptop.
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